Life 101 | Personal Growth 13 Must-Have Books To Add To Your Summer Reading List Bookworms Rejoice! It is time to start your search for those must have books for summer reading! Here is the official round-up of what I… SharePinShareTweet
Health & Wellness | Personal Growth Summer Bible Study: Everybody, Always In light of everything that is going on in today’s world, it is weighing so heavy on my heart to dig deep into God’s Word…. SharePinShareTweet
Finances | Goals | Kids and Money | Life 101 | Parenting | Personal Growth 8 Things You Should Do to Fix Your Finances FOREVER The topic of finances isn’t an easy one. I am not a financial guru, as you will quickly learn, thankfully my husband is. He has… SharePinShareTweet
Goals | Health & Wellness How to Lose Weight Without Exercise in 5 Simple Steps Losing weight does not need to be a mystery! But for most people it is. It was for me, for most of my life! Then… SharePinShareTweet
Goals | Kids and Money | Life 101 | Parenting | Personal Growth The Ultimate Guide to Help your Kids Earn Money This Summer SUMMER IS HERE! And now is the time to finalize the summer plans… what to do, what to get… and the plan to achieve all… SharePinShareTweet